Special Events at King’s View Acres
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King’s Gift Fund Clinics
Roser Horsemanship
Come work with Cowboy Dan and learn natural horsemanship techniques that will help you understand, communicate and enjoy your horse (or ours).
Dates: First Saturday of every month
Cost: $75 per lesson; $10 arena/horse use fee.
KVA clients with their own or leased horses do not pay the arena fee.
Straton Sporthorses
USDF Bronze and Silver medalist, Katie Straton, specializes in teaching classical dressage principles while creating happy and healthy horses. Bring your own horse and join us or KVA students may borrow a school horse for a small fee.
Dates: Third Sunday of every month.
Cost: $75 per lesson; $10 arena/horse use fee.
KVA clients with their own or leased horses do not pay the arena fee.