King’s View Acres Flagship Program

Horsemanship/Basic Dressage Horseback Riding/Character Development

  • 9 month program (September - May)

  • Monthly payments ($170-$175 per month)

  • advance at your own pace

  • longer than normal class times (1.5 - 2 hours vs. standard 45 min)

  • horse management and care is stressed (not just grooming and cleaning stalls - true horse care)

  • Emotional and physical development for students

  • incredibly well loved and maintained horses

  • Sequential, planned curriculum written by licensed teacher

  • Youth ages 6 and up/ limited adult options

  • Dressage basics taught in an age-appropriate manner

  • Games and fun activities to teach the concepts of riding off the horse

  • Small class sizes (only 6-8 students in a class)

At King’s View Acres, we believe in the power of horses to teach, heal, and mirror our true selves. Our program is different than any other riding program that we know of. Our students typically begin with little to zero knowledge of horses, riding, and horsemanship. In the first year alone, students learn to work safely around the horses, sit correctly in the saddle and control, through kindness and assertiveness, a 900 - 1400 lb animal. By the end of the first year our students can tack, ride and steer the horses enough to successfully complete a US Dressage Federation Intro A dressage test. Subsequent years build students’ character, enhance riding skills, and develop horsemanship skills that can be transferred into marketable skills in the future. Students move through the levels at their own pace with clear objectives and daily lesson plans that ensure consistency for both the students and the horses.

Our programs are designed to be affordable for families by utilizing off the horse activities that will eliminate the need for excessive numbers of school horses. We also do not require students to compete, lease horses, or purchase expensive clothing or tack. We are more interested in strengthening families and providing family-friendly activities than we are in forcing families to sacrifice their weekends for horse shows. Students who are interested in showing will have the chance to participate in shows and clinics at the farm as long as sportsmanship comes first and no one is left out.

Our horses are normal horses that families would purchase on a limited budget. They are not “over-trained” to listen to the instructor. Our horses give honest feedback to their riders - allowing students to evaluate their riding ability. Other barns train their horses to listen to the instructor which gives students the unsafe belief that they can ride any horse. Because we teach dressage basics, our students are expected to complete patterns, steer and communicate with the horses - not just walk, trot and canter around the outside of the ring. Our kids even ride outside of the arena without fences and walls.

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We are so much more than a riding stable!