Horsin’ Around All Summer Long!

Summer is a time for introduction and enrichment at King’s View Acres. Our summer programs are designed to introduce new students to the joy of horseback riding, enhance the learning of our intermediate riders, and challenge our advanced riders. It is also a great time to meet and make new friends. Summer camps and clinics at KVA are bigger than our School Year Programs - allowing students to have fun in a less focused format. This summer, we will offer group lessons, private lessons, and camps - something for everyone!!

Check back for our Summer Plans!

Group Lessons

We will be offering group lessons to help keep our current riders from losing hard-fought skills and give them a chance to develop even more skills over the summer.
Also, new students will have a chance to start with a group and get a jump on our fall programs - or try out a class without committing to a full school year of lessons - and avoid the registration fee.  
Group lessons will take place on Fridays with different levels of riders meeting at different times. 
Students must get approval from one of our instructors to register for classes other than Beginning Horsemanship. 
See your instructor for a special registration code that will allow you to complete registration.   

Group lessons will run for one month at a time and will be billed at the beginning of each month.  

Beginning Horsemanship - Intro A

Intro B

Intro C

Private Lessons

When camps are not in session and we have openings, private lessons are available.

Private Lesson Prices

Ellen (w/ School Horse): $85

Ellen (w/ own horse): $75

Izzy (w/ School Horse): $75

Izzy (w/ own horse): $65

Your child has never shown interest in horses? 

The Horsin’ Around program is for ALL youth, not just horse lovers.  Many students have started our program without specific interest in horses.  All of these students had an excellent time and ended the program with a higher sense of self and a unique partnership with a horse.  Many are repeat attendees!


We are so much more than a riding stable!